Community Creation Proposal

Guidelines and Form

Thank you for your interest in starting a new community on ConnectBGS. Please take a few moments to read over our guidelines for community creation and the responsibilities you would hold as admin of the created community. After reading the guidelines please complete the form and submit all required information. A ConnectBGS Admin will respond to your request as soon as possible.

  1. Creation of a new community requires the following:
    1. Submission of the community proposal form on ConnectBGS
    2. Community proposal with at least 5 members willing to engage at the creation of the community
      1. Community proposals are posts made in the "General Info" community
      2. Please describe in detail the community proposed and ask if others would be interested in joining
      3. If 5 other members are willing to join the community, it will be created by a ConnectBGS Admin
    3. ConnectBGS Admin approval
    4. Designation of a community administrator (non-BGS staff)
    5. Understanding and acknowledgement of the guidelines
  2. The designated community administrator is responsible for the following administrative duties:
    1. Verification of group members if said group is private
    2. Moderation of posts in adherence with ConnectBGS's Code of Conduct
    3. The removal of members from the community should they violate the Code of Conduct
    4. Consistent creation of post material in order to maintain active engagement and conversation among community members
    5. The creation of events specific to the community
    6. The creation of announcements specific to the community
    7. Any community related issues that require admin/moderation assistance
  3. If the community is inactive (meaning no posts) for 30 days a ConnectBGS Admin will contact the designated administrator and together they will work out a re-engagement plan. If after 30 more days no additional activity has occurred the community will be deleted from ConnectBGS
  4. Requests for reinstatement of a deleted community will be considered, if there is a solid plan for the maintenance and growth of that community