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  • BGS Global Headquarters hosts society-wide virtual recognition ceremonies to ensure all new members have the opportunity to be honored and are aware of the lifetime benefits of their membership. Presenters ...

     06-05-2025  |  08:00 - 09:00 CT

  • BGS Global Headquarters hosts society-wide virtual recognition ceremonies to ensure all new members have the opportunity to be honored and are aware of the lifetime benefits of their membership. Presenters ...

     04-02-2025  |  17:00 - 18:00 CT

  • BGS Global Headquarters hosts society-wide virtual recognition ceremonies to ensure all new members have the opportunity to be honored and are aware of the lifetime benefits of their membership. Presenters ...

     02-18-2025  |  08:00 - 09:00 CT

  • BGS Global Headquarters hosts society-wide virtual recognition ceremonies to ensure all new members have the opportunity to be honored and are aware of the lifetime benefits of their membership. Presenters ...

     11-14-2024  |  17:00 - 18:00 CT

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    Upcoming Events

    • Thursday

      BGS Virtual Recognition Ceremony

      Nov 14, 17:00 - 18:00 (CT)
      BGS Global Headquarters hosts society-wide virtual recognition ceremonies to ensure all new members have the opportunity to be honored and are aware of the lifetime benefits of their membership. Presenters will include representatives from the BGS staff, Board of Governors, and BGS members from around the globe. *Attendance is optional and is not a requirement for membership. You are encouraged to attend any chapter-specific ceremonies and events if/when planned.

    • Tuesday

      BGS Virtual Recognition Ceremony

      Feb 18, 08:00 - 09:00 (CT)
      BGS Global Headquarters hosts society-wide virtual recognition ceremonies to ensure all new members have the opportunity to be honored and are aware of the lifetime benefits of their membership. Presenters will include representatives from the BGS staff, Board of Governors, and BGS members from around the globe. *Attendance is optional and is not a requirement for membership. You are encouraged to attend any chapter-specific ceremonies and events if/when planned.

    • Wednesday

      BGS Virtual Recognition Ceremony

      Apr 2, 17:00 - 18:00 (CT)
      BGS Global Headquarters hosts society-wide virtual recognition ceremonies to ensure all new members have the opportunity to be honored and are aware of the lifetime benefits of their membership. Presenters will include representatives from the BGS staff, Board of Governors, and BGS members from around the globe. *Attendance is optional and is not a requirement for membership. You are encouraged to attend any chapter-specific ceremonies and events if/when planned.

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